Multicultural Education Teachers Corner
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About Paul C. Gorski

"The real menace of barbarism is that it tends to be hidden behind a facade of respectability, in institutions which are so taken for granted that the very idea of subjecting them to criticism is received as an intolerable heresy." -Lionel Rubinoff
[Full Quotation Collection]

Multicultural Education Teachers Features
multiculturalRead Paul's short essay about the equity literacy framework, Equity Literacy: More than Celebrating Diversity.

multiculturalCheck out EdChange's newest project, the Equity Literacy Institute.

multiculturalBrowse the results of a survey on the best equity-themed books for children.

Multicultural Education Resources and Praxis
multiculturalMulticultural Curriculum
multiculturalEquity Exercises and Activities
multiculturalEquity Awareness Quizzes
multiculturalSocial Justice Song Index
multiculturalOther Educational Equity Sites
multiculturalHistoric Speeches with Social Justice Themes

Multicultural Education Diversity Concepts and Philosophies
multiculturalDefining "Equity Literacy"

multiculturalNewly Updated Printable Handouts by Paul C. Gorski for EdChange and the Equity Literacy Institute

multiculturalResearch Room: original articles about multicultural education theory and practice

Also Visit:

Equity Literacy Institute


SoJust Document History of Civil Rights and Social Justice

an Equity Literacy Institute and EdChange project
© Paul C. Gorski, 1995-2018